Myrtle Beach Restaurants Local Guide with 22,682 Restaurant Reviews and Grand Strand Dining Info

Smoking in Myrtle Beach Restaurants

Do you think smoking should be banned in Myrtle Beach area restaurants?

Yes: 58%

No: 41%

Total Number of Votes = 325

There's a LOT of debate recently by locals and visitors to the area about the policy of most Myrtle Beach restaurants to allow smoking.

Unlike some foreign countries, the United States has no federal laws regarding the control of smoking, so bans and restrictions, if any, are determined by state and local laws.

In the absense of government-induced restrictions, the choice of allowing or banning smoking is left to each restaurant's owners or managers.

And with South Carolina being a tobacco state, anti-smoking legislation is a bit tougher to pass.

However, in July 2006, Sullivan's Island in Charleston County was the first (and only) place in South Carolina to ban smoking in workplaces, including restaurants and bars.

North Carolina, probably the strongest tobacco state, has passed no legislation at either the state or local level banning smoking in public places.

The "Smoking Poll" was added to this site and began accepting votes on Thursday, September 14, 2006, and ran continuously for approximately one month until Friday, October 13, 2006.

Locals and visitors cast their votes, with the results as shown as on this page.