Add a restaurant to the #1 Local Myrtle Beach Area Restaurant Guide with 22,682 Reviews

Add Your Restaurant

It's absolutely free.


Be sure your restaurant is not already listed here. It would be a real downer to spend the time entering a new restaurant just to find out that it is already here. If necessary, use the Google Site Search above to find out for sure.

The Myrtle Beach SC Restaurants site lists Grand Strand area restaurants only.
The Grand strand area includes North across the state line to Shallote, NC and South to Georgetown, SC. and West to Conway, SC.

You don't have to be the owner of the restaurant to list it here. More restaurants are submitted by visitors and patrons than actual restaurant owners.

You will need the following information:

I know this looks like a lot of information but only the top 6 are absolutely required.

  • The restaurant name.
  • The Street Address and Phone number.
  • The location (Area). You will be given a selection to choose from.
  • The type or venue of the restaurant. You will also be given a selection(s) to choose from.
  • A description of your restaurant. (10 to 200 words)
  • A valid e-mail address and if you are the owner, a contact phone number and name for validation. Owners will given the opportunity to sign up for added free benefits to this site.

  • Optional: Hours of operation.
  • Optional: Information on restaurant holiday schedules.
  • Optional: The URL (web address) of your restaurant website.
  • Optional: The URL (web address) of your restaurants menu page if you know it.
  • Optional: An outside photo of the restaurant.
  • Optional: The map coordinates of your restaurant (Lat. and Lon.).

If you are ready for this free community service then go ahead and: