About Us: Myrtle Beach SC Restaurants with 22,682 Reviews and MyrtleBeachSCrestaurants dot com

About Myrtle Beach SC Restaurants

About this community-driven, community service restaurant directory
and the company behind it.

Community-Driven: This restaurant guide is community driven by the visitors of this site who graciously take the time to rate and review the restaurants at which they've dined, as well as submit restaurant photos, feedback, and local area restaurant news.

Community-Service: This restaurant directory is a community service site provided by MBSCR, Inc. and Myrtle Beach Inc. For a restaurant to have its basic information listed on this site, no fees are collected, nor are any meals discounted to site administrators, nor are any gifts or incentives of any nature provided to site administrators. We do offer enhanced exposure for restaurant owners and managers interested in reaching more customers via the web. However, any additional contracted exposure on this site does not influence the reviews posted or approved on this site.

No Subjective Influence by Editors and Staff: The editors and staff do not unfairly promote favorite restaurants, nor do we expound on negative aspects of restaurants we don't particularly like.

However, if one or more of our staff or editors, while dining anonomously, are treated poorly, instead of writing a negative review, we reserve the right to remove a restaurant's privilege of being listed and freely promoted on this site.

Original & Proprietary Content: MyrtleBeachSCrestaurants.com functions on a proprietary platform developed by, and exclusively and wholly owned by, MBSCR, Inc. and Myrtle Beach Inc. As such, the contents, structure, delivery of database elements, and information within this site is original and unique, and unless illegally copied, exists no where else in the world or on the Internet.

Myrtle Beach Inc.
MBSCR, Inc.'s primary goal, which mirrors the primary goal of the developer's company, Myrtle Beach Inc., is to provide helpful information to local residents as well as to the millions of visitors who choose Myrtle Beach as their vacation destination each year.

This web site is one of several that are the functional elements working towards achieving that goal.

Myrtle Beach Inc. is also involved with helping the local community on a variety of levels with sponsorships and donations.

With the exception of restaurant logos, which are property of their respective owners, all contents of this site, including database contents, restaurant listings, summaries, photos, and all text and material submitted by independent users, is property of Myrtle Beach Inc. Reproduction of any element of this web site by any means is strictly prohibited.